Senator Avella Gets DOT To Install Street Lights At 11th Avenue and College Place
October 6, 2016
- street lights
Queens, NY – Senator Tony Avella announced that the Department of Transportation (DOT), at his request, and on the behalf of local residents, will install additional street lights on 11th Avenue at College Place.
Earlier in the summer, Senator Avella received an anonymous letter requesting the installation of streetlights on the corner of 11th Avenue and College place. The letter indicated that, due to the lack of streetlights, it is difficult to see at night, creating a dangerous condition.
After being contacted by Senator Avella, DOT investigated the location and determined that there is, in fact, a need for additional streetlights at this corner. “I was pleased to hear from DOT that my constituent’s safety concerns will be addressed. This is an excellent example of the good that can come out of City agencies and the community working together” said Senator Avella.