Senator Avella Presents $25,000 Check to Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York
Andrei Vasilescu
June 3, 2016

Queens, NY - Today, State Senator Tony Avella presented a check for $25,000 to the Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York (KCSMNY). KCSMNY’s Executive Director Linda Lee, Development Officer Annie Shin and Executive Administrator Bora Lee received the check on behalf of President Mr. Kwang Kim.
Senator Avella secured the $25,000 for KCSMNY to fund their project connecting immigrants with job opportunities throughout New York City. Immigrants trying to enter a new job market face many difficulties, and having an organization in the community putting them in contact with potential employment opportunities can make a tremendous impact.
KCSMNY first tests the English proficiency of their participants and, if a participant scores below an intermediate level, they are referred to the ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages)courses run by the organization. They would then complete one semester of ESOL.
“Immigrants undertake many challenges when moving to a different continent. Whether it is the language barrier or the difficulty finding a job, immigrants sometimes struggle to get acclimated to their new home. The Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York ease that transition by providing a network to the Korean community to assist them in both those struggles. They pair immigrants with potential job opportunities, and provide language courses for those who need it. I’m more than happy to have secured funding for this program and am confident that the Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York will make the transition to New York far smoother for many immigrants,” said State Senator Tony Avella.