Senator Avella Presents One Million Dollar Check to Bayside High School

Andrei Vasilescu

March 4, 2016

(Queens, NY) Today, State Senator Tony Avella presented a check for $1,000,000 to Bayside High School for the restoration of their aging auditorium and a new athletic field house. Principal Michael Athy received the check on behalf of the Department of Education which will ultimately utilize the money for those projects.

Of the million dollars that Senator Avella was able to appropriate for Bayside High School’s Capitol Improvement Request, $750,000 will go towards the restoration of the auditorium. Bayside High School’s auditorium has a seating capacity of 1,300 and has been used for theatrical performances, concerts and cultural events for 80 years. Extensive use, however, has ultimately deteriorated the auditorium’s seating. Additionally, the current sound system is muddled and unclear, falling to inaudible levels for those seated in the auditorium’s rear-most seating. These improvements will greatly enhance the audience’s experience, encouraging more interest in the school’s music and performing arts. 

The remaining $250,000 will go towards a new athletic field house. With over 100 outdoor PSAL athletic teams using the current field house for athletic events each year, improvements are of great use to Bayside High School’s athletes. The renovations will include the restoration of lockers, showers, bathrooms and the exterior.

“So many of our schools have a laundry list of what needs improvement or downright replacement. We can never do enough for our schools but we can make sure that every year we chip a handful of things off that list. I’m always eager to fund projects that will give students the facilities and resources that will encourage their interests and help their studies. Principal Michael Athy has recommended the perfect set of improvements to that end, and I’m glad to help restore the aging auditorium and athletic field house,” said State Senator Tony Avella.

“Our community is very fortunate to be represented by a Senator who fully values education. His generosity in funding BHS' Music Educational Complex will provide thousands of students the
opportunity to experience all aspects of performing and recording and will also provide this community with a world-class space for meetings and performances for years to come. The entire BHS community thanks the Senator for this outstanding contribution to our children,” said Principal of Bayside High School Michael Athy.