Senator Larkin Fights To End Gap Elimination Adjustment

William Larkin

February 23, 2016

In 2009 and 2010, New York City politicians controlled both houses of the State Legislature and used that opportunity to raise taxes on Hudson Valley taxpayers and shortchange our communities.

They raised taxes and spending by $14 billion each, eliminated the STAR Property Tax Rebate Check program, established the unfair MTA Payroll Tax to force Upstate taxpayers to fund New York's subway system and passed 123 different tax and fee increases on middle-class families.

On top of imposing this massive tax burden on hard working residents, families and small business owners, these New York City politicians used their time in power to unfairly make massive cuts to our local school districts, and sent millions of dollars in funding to New York City schools.

In 2010, New Yorkers had enough and elected a Republican Senate Majority to protect the Hudson Valley and Upstate taxpayers.

From that moment on, I have worked tirelessly with my colleagues in the Senate Majority to undo the damage of their two year reign by: creating a tax cap, capping state spending, repealing most of their disastrous MTA payroll tax; and working towards eliminating the Gap Elimination Adjustment (GEA) school budget cuts.

To date, we have restored nearly 85 percent of the GEA and we are on the cusp of completely eliminating the GEA school aid cuts this year. In fact, the Senate Majority has already passed legislation this year to fully restore the GEA.  With this, we can help provide much needed resources to our schools and give our students greater opportunities to excel in today’s competitive world, as well as help hold down local school taxes.

I look forward to fully eliminating the GEA budget cuts this year. In doing so, we will deliver on a crucial promise for our children’s future and bring more fairness to the way we distribute valuable state resources.