Senator Larkin Hosts Sandwich Generation Awareness Event

William Larkin

July 12, 2016

Today Senator Bill Larkin (R-C-I, 39th District) hosted an event to coincide with Sandwich Generation awareness month.  The Sandwich Generation is a generation of individuals, usually between the ages of 40-60, who are sandwiched between taking care of their ageing parents while also taking care of their own children.  Today’s event took place at the Hudson Street Café in the Village of Cornwall-On-Hudson.  Many attendees were part of the Sandwich Generation and spoke openly about the challenges they face.

“My mother has been a widow for 16 years and I have five children of my own between the ages of 18-28,” said Joe Guarneri.  “I found out about this event and never knew there was a name for what I am faced with on a daily basis.  I love my family and am absolutely happy to take care of them but sometimes it gets very hard and it helps to know that there is attention and recognition being brought to individuals like us.”

Joe Guarneri is not alone in his situation.  Mr. Guarneri is 54 years old and was one of many individuals from today’s event who shared their story. 

“Today’s event is important but the most important part is what happens when we all leave,” said Senator Bill Larkin.  “It is important that each person in attendance go home and tell a few more people about what took place here today and educate the people in your lives as to what the Sandwich Generation is all about.  It may not seem like a big deal but it is very important for those caregivers to know that there are others out there going through a similar situation.  It never hurts to be more aware and to share our thoughts and ideas with friends and neighbors.”

Four items highlighted by the Sandwich Generation awareness month campaign were also discussed at today’s event.  They included:

-  Hold family meetings

-  Ask for professional assistance

-  Plan ahead with your kids

-  Don’t forget to take care of yourself