Senator Larkin Takes Lead In State Budget Negotiations

William Larkin

February 1, 2016

As the legislative session ends its first month and the first draft of Governor Cuomo’s budget has been released, Senator Bill Larkin leads fellow Senate Health Budget Subcommittee members Senator Sue Serino, Senator Martin Golden, Senator Jim Seward and Senator Kemp Hannon, Subcommittee Chair, in reviewing the language contained in the Governor’s Executive Budget. 

“I believe that cooperation and teamwork always produce positive results,” said Senator Bill Larkin.  “It does not serve our constituents to work independently on a document of this magnitude.  I lean on my colleagues as much as they lean on me so that together, through our combined experience, we can contribute more effectively to the State Budget process. “

The State Legislature has a very specific schedule to ensure a budget is enacted by the deadline of April 1, 2016.  This process includes Joint Senate/Assembly Public Budget Hearings that allow legislators to question state agency leaders and provide members of the public with the opportunity to testify on important budget issues.

After these hearings are conducted, a final 2016-17 State Budget will be introduced, debated and passed by April 1, 2016.  Negotiations between the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly are ongoing during this process. 

“During this Budget process, I will continue to work hard to ensure that the final budget plan we adopt reflects the needs of my constituents,” said Senator Bill Larkin.  “My goal is always to work toward a fiscally-responsible budget that controls state spending without increasing taxes, while providing essential services for New Yorkers.”