Hoylman: Trump is a shameless bully who's picking on vulnerable kids to please the Alt-Right and other extremists who helped get him elected."
State Senator Brad Hoylman (D, WF-Manhattan), the only openly LGBT member of the New York State Senate, slammed the Trump Administration’s forthcoming federal guidance that attempts to roll back Title IX protections for transgender students by removing federal guidelines clarifying that individuals may access bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identities:
“Trump is a shameless bully who's picking on vulnerable kids to please the Alt-Right and other extremists who helped get him elected.
“By undermining Title IX protections for transgender students, Trump would allow all of America to follow the bogus 'bathroom bills' coming out of North Carolina and Texas, which are premised on the outrageous assertion that transgender people are sexual predators. The reality is that upwards of 50 percent of transgender people are themselves the victims of sexual violence. Schools must offer a safe haven for all children – period. Trump's new federal guidance obliterates that basic standard.
“Despite Trump’s assurance that he would defend the rights of all Americans, including the LGBT community, if this federal guidance is enacted, transgender kids will be the latest target of the bigotry that has become a signature of this administration.
“Through his actions, Trump has declared open season on our nation’s most vulnerable citizens. I intend to stand against this hateful measure by any means necessary.”