Jacobs Secures Education Funds for Northwest Buffalo Community Center

(Buffalo, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs today announced that he has secured an allocation of $50,000 in state education dollars for the Northwest Buffalo Community Center (NWBCC).  The monies will be used to support the renovation of the education center that provides educational assistance programs for children in grades 1-12.

“The Education Center has provided invaluable educational support and enrichment for children in Black Rock and River side for so many years,” said Jacobs.  “The renovation of the Education Center at the Northwest Buffalo Community Center will ensure that they can maintain and improve upon their excellent programming that is having such a positive impact on so many children in our community.” 

Approximately 500 children ages 6 to 18 years old participate in the educational and afterschool programs at NWBCC.  The Center’s comprehensive Academic Improvement Program provides homework assistance, one-to-one and small group tutoring, social skill building, literacy skill building, computer literacy, job readiness skills and recreation.  A variety of enrichment opportunities are offered, as well as technology access that is purposely designed to align with Buffalo Public Schools programming. 

“Investing in our children is investing in our future,” said Martin Grunzweig, NWBCC Board President.  “This funding will give our children an opportunity to be more successful in school and teach them to be future leaders of our community.”

The Northwest Buffalo Community Center is one of the largest human service providers in the greater Buffalo area. Programs offered at their facility in the former Buffalo Public School #79 range from complete medical and dental services, youth and senior citizen programming, education, crime victim assistance, daycare and more. 

“As a founder of the BISON Scholarship Fund, former school board member, and a long time education advocate, I am pleased and proud to secure monies in the state budget process to support this project,” said Jacobs.  “Investing in educational assistance programs that better prepare our young people to take advantage of the growing opportunities associated with our region’s economic resurgence will pay strong dividends in the long run,” the Senator concluded.