From the Desk of Senator Elaine Phillips

Elaine Phillips

January 9, 2017

A new year always brings new beginnings and opportunities. For me personally, that’s especially true as I begin serving as your New York State Senator.

With the new year also comes new challenges.  Many of these challenges are ones we’ve faced in the past that require continued action: delivering tax relief, creating jobs, growing the economy, protecting the environment and enhancing our quality of life.  Stronger ethics laws, greater transparency and restoring public trust remains a necessity because of continuing corruption scandals that weaken people’s faith in government.  

During my public service at the Village level and working in the private sector, I’ve delivered on those issues.  Dealing with them on a larger scale in Albany is something I’m very excited about.  Working together, I’m confident we can deliver positive results once again.  

My new year’s resolutions were made months ago when I asked you for the opportunity to represent our community in Albany: work hard, fight for our families, listen, and deliver on the priorities we need to make life better for everyone.  Rest assured I will keep them.

If there’s anything I can help you with, please reach out to me by calling my office at 516-746-5924 or emailing me. Whether it’s about state legislation, a local community issue or another matter you feel I can be of assistance with, my door is always open.  

Wishing you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.  I know it will be a great one!