Senator Phillips: Governor’s Child Care Proposal a Positive Step, But We Must Go Further to Help Middle Class Families

Elaine Phillips

January 5, 2017

“Having proposed increasing tax credits to make child care more affordable for families last fall, I am pleased that Governor Cuomo today announced a plan to do just that.  I look forward to reviewing the specifics of the Governor’s plan as part of the legislative process, but this a positive step in the right direction.  However, there are additional steps we can, and should, take to help provide additional relief to hardworking middle class families. 

Restoring the Family Tax Credit, which expired at the end of 2016, doubling it and making it a permanent part of the state’s tax code would provide additional, much needed relief to families.  Additionally, updating the state’s online child care directory to include costs of programs would make it easier and more convenient for parents to find affordable child care.  

Safe, high quality child care is something so many working families depend on, but the costs associated with it are a large and growing expense for those same families.  Easing that financial burden is critically important to making life on Long Island more affordable.”