Amedore Bill to Permanently Authorize Rifle Hunting in Schenectady County Signed Into Law

George Amedore

July 25, 2017

Senator George Amedore announced today that Governor Cuomo has signed legislation (S.5506) he sponsored to permanently authorize big game rifle hunting in Schenectady County.

Prior to 2015, big game could be hunted using shotguns, muzzleloaders, pistol, or bow, but not with rifles, despite more than 40 other counties throughout the state allowing it, including each of the counties that border Schenectady County.

Legislation sponsored by Senator Amedore in 2015, and signed into law, authorized rifle hunting in Schenectady County for a two-year period, through October 1st of this year. The law signed by the Governor today removes the expiration and permanently authorizes rifle hunting in Schenectady County. 

“For the past two years, sportsmen and sportswomen have enjoyed the ability to hunt big game with rifles in Schenectady County. This new law will permanently allow hunters to continue to do so," said Senator Amedore.

This law becomes Chapter 143 of the laws of 2017.


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