George Amedore

January 30, 2017

The New York State Senate today gave second passage to a constitutional amendment, co-sponsored by Senator George Amedore (S.418), to ensure elected officials who are convicted of breaking the public’s trust are ineligible to receive a taxpayer-funded pension.

“This is true ethics reform that will hit corrupt politicians where it hurts the most – their wallets. No public official who has been convicted of abusing their office and breaking the public’s trust should be eligible to receive a taxpayer-funded pension,” said Senator Amedore.

Under current law, only officials elected after 2011 lose their pensions if they are found guilty of public corruption. The amendment passed today prohibits any elected official who is convicted of a crime related to their public office from collecting a pension earned during their public service, regardless of when they took office.

The Legislature first passed the amendment last year. The Assembly is also expected to pass the amendment again this session, and it would go before the voters this November for their approval.

“Our constituents deserve accountability from their elected officials, and I’m glad the Senate acted quickly to pass this amendment again so the voters can have their voices heard in November. We are one step closer to finally holding our elected officials accountable and restoring the people’s faith in their government,” said Senator George Amedore.           
