Senator Amedore's Office to Hold Two Prescription Drug Take Back Days in Ulster County
September 25, 2017
Senator George Amedore announced that his office will sponsor two Shed the Meds programs in Ulster County to provide members of the community an opportunity to safely dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs.
The events will be held on the following days:
Saturday, September 30th, from 9 am – 12 pm at the Town of Lloyd Police Department, 25 Milton Ave, Highland, NY, 12528, and
Saturday, October 14th, from 9 am – 12 pm at the Town of Ulster Town Hall, One Town Hall Drive, Lake Katrine, NY, 12449.
“Join my office to Shed the Meds and properly dispose of unused or expired prescription medications,” said Senator George Amedore. “Properly disposing of these drugs helps keep them from falling into the wrong hands, and also stops them from causing damage to our environment.”
To dispose of your medications, simply drive up and drop them off. The Town of Lloyd and Town of Ulster Police Department’s will be on hand to safely dispose of the medications.
Please note, no liquids or sharps can be accepted.
Contact Senator Amedore’s District Office at (845) 331-3810 with any questions regarding these events.