Schoharie County Veteran Enshrined in Senate HOF
Jeff Bishop, Communications Director
May 16, 2017
- Veterans Hall of Fame

ALBANY, 05/16/17 – State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I/Ref-Oneonta) today paid tribute to Gary Schacher of Cobleskill as a 2017 inductee to the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame.
“Gary Schacher is a true American hero, and more than worthy of inclusion in the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame,” said Senator Seward. “Chief Gunners Mate Schacher displayed superior bravery and courage while serving our nation and, upon returning home, dedicated himself to the betterment of his community. His ongoing commitment to fellow veterans, through the establishment of the Patriot Highlander Challenge and the Leatherstocking Honor Flight, is particularly noteworthy.”
The New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame inductees may be former members of any branch of the United States Armed Forces. The exceptional men and women are chosen for this prestigious honor based on either service in combat or notable work performed after discharge from the service.
Schacher was recognized during a special ceremony at the Capitol along with other inductees to the New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame. Schacher’s biography along with those of other inductees, past and present, can be found on-line at www.nysenate.gov/initiatives/honoring-our-veterans.
“My whole-hearted congratulations to Gary and his fellow inductees. Further, my thanks to all veterans past and present. Your courage, sacrifice and achievement are something each and every American can be proud of,” Seward added.
The complete New York State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame biography for Chief Gunners Mate Gary Schacher:
Gary Schacher of Cobleskill is a twenty-six year Navy veteran (active and Reserves) who proudly served our nation in Fallujah from 2004-2005 during the Iraq War. The decorated veteran received four Navy Commendation Medals, three Navy Achievement Medals, six Good Conduct Medals, the Navy Expert Pistol Medal, the Navy Expert Rifle Medal, and various campaign, service and unit awards. He was also awarded the Conspicuous Service Star and Medal of Merit from New York State.
Along with his uniformed service, Schacher is also a twenty-five year member of the American Legion and has held a number of leadership roles. He is a four-time Schoharie County Commander and past Department of New York Vice Commander. He is currently the American Legion Department of New York Membership Chairman and an instructor at the American Legion Department of New York College.
True to the nature of so many service members, Gary is constantly pursuing avenues to support his fellow veterans. He established the Patriot Highlander Challenge, an annual obstacle course race which raises money to benefit wounded veterans and support networks in New York State. The event’s name pays homage to the Revolutionary War Patriots who fought in the valleys of Schoharie County. Many disabled veterans take part in the inspirational event in Cobleskill each fall.
Gary is a founding member of the Leatherstocking Honor Flight, dedicated to transporting World War II veterans to Washington, D.C. to experience the World War II Memorial. He is also a member of the American Legion Riders, Combat Vets Motorcycle Association, and a life member of the VFW.
Gary’s dedication to his community and our next generation of leaders is also unmistakable. He has been instrumental in revitalizing the American Legion Boys State and High School Oratorical Scholarship programs in Schoharie County and in establishing an American Legion youth baseball team at Timothy Murphy Post 248.
Chief Gunners Mate Gary Schacher has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to his country, his fellow service members and his community. His contributions, both in and out of uniform, are well deserving of our eternal respect and admiration.
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