Sanders Statement On Loeb’s KKK Remark On Andrea Stewart Cousins

James Sanders Jr.

August 14, 2017

Senator James Sanders Jr. stated: “Cuomo donor Daniel Loeb’s statement about Democratic Conference Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins being worse for black people than the Ku Klux Klan shows a complete lack of understanding of our nation’s history, and I strongly condemn its vile and disgusting sentiment. Now, that Loeb has taken back his remark and Governor Cuomo has openly spoken out against what Loeb has said, I would encourage all sides to pull back and focus on the needs of the people of New York State. There is work to be done and our residents deserve better. The state is better served when we are united instead of harping on things that divide us. We should use this time to reflect on a how to create a better future instead of wasting time bashing each other.”