Senator Sanders Brings Mobile Office to Rochdale Village

James Sanders Jr.

January 26, 2017

State Senator James Sanders Jr. (D-Rochdale Village) brought his mobile office to Rochdale Village Mall yesterday where he met one-on-one with residents, listening to their concerns and suggestions, some of which included issues regarding transportation, safety, housing and employment.
“I enjoy the time I spend interacting with my constituents on a personal level and hearing about the issues that are affecting their lives right now, so I can provide them with assistance,” Sanders said. “It is also important for me to hear their suggestions on how to make the community better. They have entrusted me to represent the district and serve them to the best of my ability and that is what I am here to do.”
One of the many suggestions made by constituents was to put MetroCard readers at bus stops so riders could check their balances more easily. Another idea was placing weight sensors in school bus seats in order to detect if a sleeping child has been left behind.
At the mobile office, Senator Sanders also met a man named Anthony Small of Harlem, who had just been released from prison after 30 years and was in the midst of filming a documentary about his first 100 days of  freedom. The two talked on camera about his experiences and goals for the future which included mentoring youth.
The mobile office initiative was created as part of an effort to reach out to more constituents and make it easier for them to access services. It will travel to different areas of Senator Sanders’ district on a rotating basis. While at the Rochdale Village Mall, Sanders’ staffers took careful notes and filled out constituent intake forms so they could examine specific issues in greater detail and follow-up with extended help.