Senator DeFrancisco Holds Press Conference on Lyme Disease Prevention
July 17, 2017
- Lyme Disease

Lyme Disease Prevention
State Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-I-C, Syracuse) held a press conference on the prevention of Lyme Disease and other Tick-Borne Illnesses on July 20, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. at Ryder Park near DeWitt Town Hall. State and local experts provided the public with information on the spread of Lyme Disease, the signs and symptoms of the disorder, and how individuals can protect themselves from being infected with tick-borne infections. Individuals who have Lyme Disease also shared their personal stories. Speakers were SUNY ESF Professor Brian Leydet, PhD, Dr. Kristopher Paolino with Upstate Medical University, Syracuse resident Audrey Mitchell, Upstate New York Lyme Disease Association Founder Kathleen Wallace, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Onondaga Director David Skeval, and “Lymenator” Test Founder Sherry Bender.
Senator DeFrancisco said, “According to the Centers for Disease Control, New York has the third highest number of confirmed cases of Lyme disease in the entire country. It’s extremely important that we raise awareness in our community about the prevention and treatment of this potentially debilitating disease.”
The public was invited to attend, and informational kiosks and brochures were available at the event for the public. *** You can print a copy of the brochure, Know the Facts About Lyme Disease, by clicking on the pdf file above.
Prevention Tips Include:
Ticks do not jump or fly onto their victims. They wait on vegetation and cling to animals and humans as they brush by. While there is no way to protect yourself 100
percent from encountering a tick while in an infested area, there are some steps you can take to reduce
your risk:
- Stay on the center of trails and paths – don’t brush against vegetation if you can avoid it.
- Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, and tuck the legs into your socks or boots. This helps keep ticks from reaching your skin.
- Wear light colored and tightly woven clothing. This makes it easier to see ticks.
- Use repellents that contain 20% or more DEET on the exposed skin for protection that lasts up to several hours. Parents should apply this product
to their children, avoiding hands, eyes and mouth.
- Products that contain permethrin can be used to treat boots, clothing and camping gear. Always follow product instructions.
- Check yourself, your children and pets at least once per day for ticks. A tick is so small it can easily go unnoticed. Pay special attention to the backs of
knees, behind the ears, the scalp, armpits and back.How
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