Senator Brooks calls on Amtrak to conduct full review of Penn Station track

John E. Brooks

April 7, 2017

(Long Island, New York) -- In response to extreme LIRR delays caused by an Amtrak derailment,  Senator John Brooks has written a letter to Amtrak President and CEO Charles Moorman requesting an immediate and thorough review of all tracks in and out of Pennsylvania Station that they operate. 

Regarding the impact of LIRR delays on Long Island taxpayers, Senator Brooks said, "Not a day goes by that I do not hear from scores of constituents and LIRR riders who are severely impacted by this avoidable situation.  They have been late to work, missed important meetings, and forced to be absent from family engagements.  These disruptions have serious consequences on the lives of hardworking Long Islanders and their outrage is justified."