Statement from Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan

John J. Flanagan

January 9, 2017

Today, Governor Cuomo will embark on a six-stop State of the State tour, giving himself six chances to lay out an agenda that focuses on the serious challenges facing hardworking taxpayers and their families.  

Consistent with what we are hearing from our constituents and job creators from across the state, I hope the Governor will join us in supporting a real jobs plan that provides new opportunities for workers and eases regulatory burdens so businesses can succeed and grow. 

I hope he will work with us to offer additional middle-class tax relief and call on the Assembly to pass a bill to enact a 2 percent spending cap into law - as we have done on numerous occasions. 

I hope he will propose legislation to address affordability and stop the population drain.  

I hope he will build on what Senate Republicans have already accomplished by taking the next steps in fighting heroin and opioid addiction and combating Lyme disease, and ensuring funding for safe roads and clean water.

And, I hope he will put forth measures long supported by the members of our conference to help families afford the rising cost of child care and higher education that are sensible, paid for, and don't pierce the spending limits we've maintained over the last six years.  

The Governor has chosen to roll out his agenda the way he wants to this year. However, the last thing hardworking, middle-class New Yorkers need right now are flashy press releases, lofty pronouncements, or more broken promises. They need real solutions. And, they need our help.