Help Me Honor Our Region's Trailblazers

Patty Ritchie

March 27, 2017


Across our state, and right here in our region, women are reaching new heights.  Whether it be making career advancements or giving back to their community, the impact that women have is tremendous.  To celebrate their contributions, I am again accepting nominations for the New York State Senate’s “Women of Distinction” program. This initiative honors women’s history in the Empire State by recognizing outstanding leaders and everyday citizens from today who make a difference.

Women living in the 48th Senate District—including Jefferson, Oswego and St. Lawrence Counties—are eligible to be nominated by their co-workers, family and friends. You can find the nomination form on my website——or by calling my office at (315) 782-3418 to have a form mailed to you.  The deadline to submit a nomination is April 19th. 

I have been proud to honor dozens of women in recent years though this program, and am again looking forward to paying tribute to more individuals who are bettering communities throughout Central and Northern New York. Last year, I honored 22 individuals through the program, including educators, community volunteers and women at the top of their career fields. They represent the qualities of leadership, compassion and diligence.

This special program is a continuation of my efforts to support women living throughout Central and Northern New York. Recently, I created the Upstate Women’s Leadership Council to help expand opportunities for personal and professional advancement. I also serve as a “Delegate-at- Large” of the state Legislature’s bipartisan Women’s Caucus to provide a network of support for women in state government. I am one of the 58 women in the state Legislature, which has 213 members.

Our region is filled with so many women who are trailblazers. These women have helped to break glass ceilings, given back to their communities in tremendous ways and also have inspired those who will one day follow in their footsteps.  If you know a woman worthy of recognition, I encourage you to recommend her for this honor.  

(Senator Ritchie is pictured with last year's Women of Distinction honorees in the above photo)