Ritchie: $18,000 to Strengthen Louisville Volunteer Fire Department

Patty Ritchie

July 14, 2017

State Senator Patty Ritchie is announcing that she has secured $18,000 in funding for the Louisville Volunteer Fire Department that will allow the department to respond more efficiently to emergency calls.

The special state funding will assist the department in offsetting the costs associated with the purchase of a six-wheeler.  This vehicle will allow the Louisville Volunteer Fire Department to respond to fire and other emergency calls in fields and wooded areas that are not easily accessible by a traditional fire engine.

“When emergency crews are called to the scene, every second counts and making sure these brave men and women have the tools they need to respond quickly—and safely—is key,” said Senator Ritchie.  “I’m pleased to be able to deliver this funding to the Louisville Volunteer Fire Department, which will allow them to respond to emergencies in areas that a larger fire engine can’t easily get to, and in turn, help them save lives and protect property.”

“Our department is tasked with responding to emergencies across the region and sometimes, it’s difficult to get to some of the more wooded forests and open fields with a big, bulky fire truck, said Jeff Vice, Chief of the Louisville Volunteer Fire Department.  “Thank you Senator Ritchie for securing this funding for our department, which will allow us to respond more quickly to emergencies and help prevent the loss of life.”

This funding builds upon Senator Ritchie’s efforts to support firefighters across the North Country.  Senator Ritchie cosponsored legislation (S.1411-A) that provides volunteer firefighters with enhanced disability benefits who contract certain types of cancer.  The measure cleared both the Senate and Assembly, and now heads to the Governor’s desk to become law.

Attn. photo editors: Pictured from left to right in the above photo with Senator Ritchie are Louisville Volunteer Fire Department members Pete Roberts, Corey Snyder, Sandy Roberts, Andrea Vierno, Ken Blair and Audrey Szafranski.