Senate Passes Ritchie's "Buy From The Backyard Act"

Patty Ritchie

June 8, 2017

State Senator Patty Ritchie is announcing a bipartisan measure she sponsors that seeks to boost the state’s economy and local farming by requiring state agencies to purchase 20 percent of its food supplies from New York-based sources has been approved by the Senate. 

Known as the “Buy from the Backyard Act” (S.3918), the measure would expand an existing program that promotes local agriculture in state offices, colleges, hospitals and prisons.

“As Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee, I know it is essential to get more people to eat local not only for health reasons, but also to support the tens of thousands of hardworking farmers across New York State,” said Senator Ritchie. “The state government’s purchasing power is a great way to make a difference in helping grow New York’s leading industry.”

New York-produced milk, vegetables and other local products are now available in state lunchrooms thanks to an effort by Senator Ritchie to increase the amount of local farm goods sold in state office buildings, which serve more than 40,000 workers and guests each day.

The bill was sent to the Assembly, where it is sponsored by Assembly Member Crystal Peoples-Stokes.