Statement From Senator Patty Ritchie

Patty Ritchie

December 30, 2017

I am disappointed that the Governor has vetoed my legislation (S.3018) that would have boosted the state’s economy and helped to create jobs by making more businesses eligible to be considered for state contract work.

Under this measure, the requirement for businesses to become a minority and/or women-owned business enterprise (MWBE)—a designation that can help small businesses land state contracts—to have a net worth of less than $3.5 million in order to become certified would have been eliminated.

The legislation was prompted by a business that contacted my office and explained they had been removed from the MWBE program—and as such ruled ineligible for stage contracts—due to the business’s value exceeding the $3.5 million threshold.

Since that time, I have heard from numerous other local businesses whose growth has been hampered by this, along with other program conditions that for many in my region are simply unattainable. For many, they result in missed opportunities for expansion, or having to look outside our region—to non-local businesses—to fulfill requirements. It is especially concerning that this is happening during a time when it is more important than ever to be creating jobs in Upstate New York.

Across our state, there are many businesses ready to grow, but cannot due to regulations imposed by the state. This bill was a chance to cut red tape and create new opportunities for hardworking New Yorkers—two things that are critically important to boosting our state’s economy.