STATEMENT: Senator Ortt on Lake Ontario Funding Agreement

Antoinette DelBel

June 29, 2017

State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I-North Tonawanda) today issued the following statement regarding the $55 million Lake Ontario flood relief funding included in the recently agreed upon bill. 

“Residents, business owners, farmers and local governments impacted by the Lake Ontario flooding will be able to breathe a collective sigh of relief. This bill provides up to a $50,000 grant per eligible homeowner, and keeps the focus on helping year-round residents, not on how much money they make. We also haven’t forgotten about seasonal residents, small business owners, farmers, landlords, not-for-profits and municipalities. The high water levels have posed a significant burden for individuals along the coast. I’m proud both houses of the legislature were able to work together to provide much-needed relief to families devastated by the unprecedented man-made disaster, so that they can begin to rebuild.”