STATEMENT: Senator Ortt on Workers’ Compensation Reduced Rates

Antoinette DelBel

May 15, 2017

State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I-North Tonawanda) today issued the following statement after the New York State Workers’ Compensation board announced it is reducing rates by 4.5 percent, which will save businesses hundreds of millions of dollars.     

“Earlier this year, I stood tall with my fellow Senate Republicans to call for meaningful workers’ compensation reforms. As part of the new budget, we secured the most comprehensive reforms, saving $700 million annually for businesses, nonprofits, and municipalities without shortchanging injured workers. Today, I’m proud to see our hard work starting to pay off. Over the years, Senate Republicans have taken measures to enrich and improve the lives of middle class families and small business owners, and have made many strides in finding ways to make New York State more affordable to live, work and run a business. This cost cutting measure is an important step forward for all New Yorkers that will pave the way for the creation of new jobs and economic growth.”