Senator Murphy Talks All Business at the Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce Dinner

Carmel, NY - A full house was on hand to hear from fellow business owner and State Senator Terrence Murphy last night at an event hosted by The Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce. Like many, Senator Murphy has seen firsthand the obstacles business owners must overcome in order to succeed.  As Senator, he has been a leading voice in Albany to improve New York's business climate.

Senator Murphy explained, "This was a milestone year for business owners across New York State because of the significant reforms to the state's workers' compensation system that the legislature approved. By working with leaders from the business community and labor we enacted the most significant works' compensation reforms in a decade."

Specifically, the reforms passed tackled three key areas: temporary benefits, imposed new medical impairment guidelines and increased protections for injured employees. Under the updated provisions, employers contributions are expected to be reduced by more than $300 million annually. Simultaneously, the legislation also expanded the safety net for people who are seriously injured on the job.


Senator Murphy added, "The workers compensation reforms were a big win for employers and employees across New York State but there is still more we can do. Regulatory reform needs to be a priority if our State is truly serious about improving the business climate. By cutting the red tape for small and large businesses they will be able to grow and thrive while creating thousands of new jobs for our neighbors."

During his tenure in Albany, Senator Murphy has been a fierce advocate for regulatory reform. He has sponsored legislation (S.327) to review all regulations that were adopted before 1997. Under his proposal, a full review of these mandates would be completed by 2024 and reintroduced unless they impact the public health and safety of residents.

Furthermore, Senator Murphy has pushed for legislation (S.3751) that would include a job impact statement on all proposed bureaucratic rules and regulations. The current process does not provide sufficient information on the quality of jobs that could be gained or lost by pursuing various policy choices, nor does it guarantee that the most appropriate data and methodologies are used.   

Senator Murphy concluded, "The Greater Mahopac-Carmel Chamber of Commerce has always been a powerful voice for the business community in Putnam County. I appreciate your leadership and partnership and we work together to make New York a more business friendly state."