All Way Stop Coming to 29th Avenue
March 9, 2017
- Traffic Safety
Queens, NY – The intersection of 29th Avenue and 146th Street is going to be a lot safer for pedestrians and motorists alike at the end of March when a new “All Way” stop is installed. The need for additional traffic controls at this location was stressed multiple times over the years by Senator Tony Avella.
Senator Avella first contacted the Department of Transportation (DOT) on behalf of constituents in November of 2014 and again in May of 2015. This week, however, DOT wrote to let the Senator know that the “All Way” stop had finally been approved.
The new traffic control is set to be installed by the end of March.
“I am glad to report that, after asking multiple times, 29th Avenue is getting the additional traffic control that residents have been asking for. The installation of additional traffic controls goes a long way in improving the safety of our streets. I am glad I was able to help the residents of 29th Avenue secure this extra safety measure,” said Senator Avella.