Avella and Community Groups Call on DOT to Rebuild Clearview Pedestrian Ramps
July 18, 2017
Bayside, NY – Yesterday, State Senator Tony Avella and community leaders renewed their call for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to rebuild the pedestrian ramps along the Clearview Expressway at 39th and 42nd Avenues that connect Bayside. Prior to their demolition, these ramps were the only way to get around the LIRR trestle that cuts Bayside in half.
Earlier this year, when the ramps were first closed for demolition, Senator Avella, Assemblyman Edward Braunstein, Community Board 11, and civic leaders sent NYSDOT a letter expressing their desire for the ramps to be reconstructed after their demolition. When the ramps were finally taken down last month, the community renewed their call for new ramps. As of now, NYSDOT has shown no interest in reconstructing the bridges in order to keep Bayside from being divided into multiple parts.
“There is no question that after 50 plus years of existence the Clearview Expressway pedestrian ramps were in desperate need of repair. However, these underpasses are needed to keep Bayside connected. NYSDOT should do what it takes to rebuild the ramps, and it isn’t much. Since NYSDOT failed to work with the community on a solution prior to demolition, they should sit down with the community and elected officials to discuss how we can rebuild these necessary pedestrian ramps and keep Bayside undivided,” said Senator Avella.
The two pedestrian walkways that were recently demolished, that go under the Long Island Railroad by the Clearview Expressway, must be replaced by the New York State Department of Transportation. The Clearview Expressway and the LIRR divide the community of Bayside into four separate sections. One should not have to walk many blocks in order to access parts of our own community. When the expressway was built in 1960, the two pedestrian ramps were installed as an amenity for the convenience of the residents. As time passed, the ramps deteriorated. Over the years, my civic association, our local elected leaders and Community Board 11 requested that the ramps be repaired. The NYSDOT ignored our requests and allowed the ramps to decay to the point where they became unsafe and had to be demolished. The State should now replace those ramps that served the residents of our community, and we are hoping that Governor Cuomo will do the right thing and authorize their replacement,” said Henry Euler, First Vice President Auburndale Improvement Association.
"The DOT made a smart decision to remove the walking pathways under the LIRR, as they were in decrepit, dangerous condition for too long. However, to not rebuild new, safer paths, is a total disregard for the many people in the community who used them daily. I respectfully ask the DOT to please reconsider a plan for reconstruction," added Jena Lanzetta, President, Northwest Bayside Civic Association.