Avella Receives Word That Two Cross Island Overpasses Are Scheduled for Repair
July 11, 2017
- Infrastructure
Queens, NY – In a response sent to Senator Tony Avella, New York City Department of Transportation (DOT) informed the Senator that they have scheduled two Cross Island Parkway overpasses for repair. Repairs to the 147th Street and 150th Street overpasses are currently in the design phase and are scheduled to begin construction in 2018.
In early May, Senator Avella wrote to NYS and NYC DOT regarding the condition of the foundation wall of the 150th Street overpass after he noticed large chunks of the wall fallen near the roadside on a trip up to Albany during the legislative session.
DOT subsequently informed the Senator that their Division of Bridges examined the location and scheduled it for repair, along with the 147th Street location.
“The foundation wall of these bridges has been in disrepair for years. However, recent storms have worsened the condition of the wall creating a dangerous situation for motorists. This is a good first step in beginning the repair of our City’s continuously crumbling infrastructure and I am glad that DOT inspected these locations before more damage occurred,” said Senator Avella.