Constituents Complain of Another Crash Caused by Foolish Bike Lane
December 11, 2017
Queens, NY – This weekend, State Senator Tony Avella was approached by a constituent who told him that there was yet another crash along the Northern Boulevard bike lane as someone tried to exit the Cross Island Parkway (CIP).
“Since the bike lane was expeditiously constructed against the wishes of the local Community Board, these reports have become frequent. An already dangerous road was made even more dangerous by the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) poor decision. Exiting the Cross Island onto Northern Boulevard was already a difficult task to begin with but when DOT added removed an entire lane of traffic they made doing so safely nearly impossible. If they would have considered the Community Board’s plan for a better, safer bike lane instead of rushing this version through I am sure these crashes would be avoided. I hate seeing and hearing of so many accidents when they all could be avoided. We need a better bike lane,” said Senator Tony Avella.