DEC Releases MacNeil Park Storm Water Outfall Permits
April 13, 2017
Queens, NY – Against the recommendation of local marine biologists and complaints from the community, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has approved the City’s plans for a new stormwater outfall pipe at MacNeil Park in College Point.
The plan proposed by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will install a new 4-foot, 6-inch by 3-foot, 6-inch stormwater outfall to the East River at College Point’s MacNeil Park. This outfall will be spilling directly onto a salt marsh oyster reef that has shown successful oyster and ribbed mussel growth over recent years.
“Although I disagree with the plans as they are, I feel that the public should be aware of what is occurring in their community,” said Senator Avella, who has been fighting this plan which is expected to destroy years of restoration that has turned the wetlands at MacNeil Park into a thriving ecosystem. The public comment period that was opened for this project yielded 222 formal complaints.