Flushing Sinkhole Repaired Following Avella Inquiry

Tony Avella

August 18, 2017

Queens, NY – Beginning in August of 2016, State Senator Tony Avella began contacting the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) about a sinkhole condition at the intersection of Union Street and 32nd Avenue. This month, Senator Avella received word that the intersection with the sinkhole will undergo repairs.

Though just outside of his district, Flushing residents notified the Senator of the dangerous road conditions during a meeting. Senator Avella subsequently notified DEP and DOT and asked that they look into what is causing the problem and how to properly address it.

Following Senator Avella’s inquiry, DEP launched an inspection which was recently completed. In their response, DEP said that they have “identified the deficiencies in the underground sewer infrastructure that may have contributed to the roadway defects.”

“I am happy that this busy intersection will be repaired prior to a major collapse. Buses, trucks, cars, and pedestrians cross this busy intersection at a high frequency and if this condition continued to be ignored, we could have had a real tragedy on our hands. I hope that the City completely repairs the issue so residents can go about their day without worrying that this intersection could open at any minute,” said Senator Avella.