Senator Avella Announces Award of Contract to fix MacNeil Park Seawall

Tony Avella

October 25, 2017

Queens, NY – This afternoon, Senator Avella was informed by the Queens Borough Office of the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) that a contract for the long awaited repair of the severely damaged seawall at MacNeil Park has finally been awarded.

DPR reports that AAH Contractor was awarded the capital contract on October 20, 2017, and construction is expected to commence in the late winter/early spring of 2018.

Avella stated, “I am relieved to hear that after all these years of delays that the residents of College Point will finally be able to enjoy the full capabilities of MacNeil Park. Unfortunately, since this is the third contract bidder at a higher cost, some aspects of the original project may not be done. Obviously, we will need the City to increase funding for this project, since the community has waited so long.”