Senator Avella Asks de Blasio, Mark-Viverito, and Department of Finance for Clarification of City’s Alternative Veterans Tax Exemption Expansion
March 2, 2017
Queens, NY – This morning, Senator Tony Avella sent the attached letter to Mayor de Blasio, City Council Speaker Mark-Viverito, and Department of Finance Commissioner Jiha requesting information regarding New York City’s adoption of the State’s recent amendment to the “Alternative Veterans Tax Exemption” for veterans who served in Operation Graphic Hand in 1970.
In the letter, Senator Avella inquires about the status of New York City’s adoption of the expanded tax exemption program and how that information has been, or will be, disseminated to eligible New York City residents.
Additionally, Senator Avella made the following request, “If the city has not yet adopted this amendment please advise me as to the reasons for this lack of action and what future steps will be taken to rectify this situation.”