Senator Avella “House Calls” Initiative a Success

Tony Avella

August 31, 2017

Queens, NY – Earlier this month, State Senator Tony Avella sent a postcard to his constituents informing them that, just like doctors of previous generations, he would begin making house calls to look at any issue their block might be having.

In less than a month, Senator Avella has already scheduled nearly 50 on-site visits with many more in the process of being scheduled. On one day in particular Senator Avella visited 17 different houses and spoke to constituents from across the district.

The postcard begins, “Have a problem on your block? Senator Avella wants to know about it!” It then continues, “Although doctors don’t make house calls anymore, Senator Avella will and will meet you in-person on your block.”

From the minute the postcards arrived in the mailboxes of Northeast Queens residents, Senator Avella’s office was inundated with phone calls and Senator Avella began scheduling on-site visit. Constituents were inviting the Senator over to look at issues big and small.

“As anyone in my district could tell you, making house calls isn’t new for me. But being able to inform the community that this was an option for them was a big deal to me. I enjoy getting to interact with all the neighborhoods across my district and hearing from the constituent directly. I always say nobody knows a block better than the people who live there and these house calls gave me a chance to observe firsthand what these communities need. I’m glad that I can show the district how good government can be when it is responsive to the needs of the people,” said Senator Avella.