William Larkin

February 27, 2017

One of my top priorities this year is exempting Orange and Rockland county residents from paying two MTA-related fees at the DMV: the $50 MTA vehicle registration fee and the MTA driver license/permit fee, which adds $16 to a typical driver license.

These universally disliked fees were created by the 2009 MTA bailout, which I adamantly opposed and voted against. The 2009 MTA bailout was passed when Democrats controlled the Senate, Assembly and Governor’s office.  

The vast majority of residents in Orange and Rockland counties do not regularly use the MTA’s public transportation services. Many never do. This is especially true for those residents who register vehicles and get driver licenses. Forcing them to pay these fees is simply unfair.

If making Hudson Valley residents subsidize a public transportation system they hardly use was not bad enough, Orange, Rockland, Dutchess and Putnam counties are only afforded partial representation on the MTA Board. These four counties combine for one vote on the board, while the other eight counties in the MTA region are given one vote each. This is taxation without representation.  

Last year the Senate passed legislation that would have exempted Orange, Rockland, Dutchess and Putnam county residents from paying these two unfair fees. Unfortunately, the Assembly failed to take up the bill.

While I will certainly be pushing for the passage of this legislation again this year, I am also working to have these changes included in the upcoming state budget due April 1. 

Hudson Valley drivers have been paying these unfair fees for nearly eight years. They should not have to any longer.