Walden Dedicates “William J. Larkin, Jr. Pavilion & Play Area”

William Larkin

June 5, 2017

Senator Bill Larkin (R-C-I, 39th District) was joined by his wife Patricia, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren along with officials and families from the Village of Walden as the “William J. Larkin, Jr. Pavilion & Play Area” was dedicated in his name.  The pavilion and other parts of the park project were funded by a $50,000 grant obtained by Senator Larkin three years ago.

“We were thrilled to receive the funding and we are even more thrilled to see this park project come to completion,” said Village of Walden Mayor Sue Rumbold.  “Senator Larkin does serve his community to seek out recognition. He supports his communities because he cares about the people in them.  It was our honor as a Village to make sure that future generations did not forget the generosity and depth of service of such a great man.”

“Projects like these help to improve the quality of life for all residents but it also is important for those visiting the park,” said Senator Bill Larkin.  “This park hosts little league and other large scale events.  Having thousands of families coming in and out of this park to visit Walden and seeing these important family friendly amenities go a long way in helping promote the Village in a positive way.  I was happy to play a small role in helping to make their vision a reality.  I plan to come here often with my grandchildren and hope one day they can take their children and grandchildren as well.”

This grant was part of the State and Municipal Facilities Program (SAM).