Senator Hoylman Statement in Solidarity with Workers on Heels of Anti- Labor Supreme Court Decision

NEW YORK, NY - State Senator Brad Hoylman (D, WF-Manhattan) released the following statement denouncing the Supreme Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME, which overturns a historic precedent that required non-union public sector workers who benefit from unions to pay a fair share of dues, impacting over one million employees of New York school districts, state, and local governments, and public authorities who benefit from collective bargaining.

State Senator Hoylman said: “The idea that nonmember union fees constitute a violation of free speech is outrageous. The hard-right bent of our Supreme Court – tipped by the decisive hand of Neil Gorsuch, no less – panders to corporate interests at the expense of working people. An attack on workers is an attack on all people and the values that are integral to the American dream. Supreme Court has dealt a fatal blow to the livelihood of unions and all working people.”

Senator Hoylman is the sponsor of legislation to increase worker protections including the Empowering People in Rights Enforcement (EMPIRE) Worker Protection Act (S6426) to extend the reach of the state's public enforcement provisions to hold exploitative employers accountable wage theft and other abuses and legislation (S71) to guarantee employees in low-wage occupations predictable and stable schedules that support workplace flexibility.
