State Senator Brian A. Benjamin Demands Faster Closure of Rikers Based on State Report
Neil Reilly | 774.766.2351
February 14, 2018
**For Planning Purposes Only**
February 14, 2018
Contact: Neil D. Reilly, 774.766.2351 | New York State Senator Brian A. Benjamin
This morning, the New York State Commission of Correction released a report on the condition of Rikers Island requested by Senator Benjamin in November of 2017. In response, Senator Benjamin will hold a press conference today to call for the closure of the facility within three years.
WHAT Press Conference with Criminal Justice Reform Advocates
WHEN TODAY February 14, 2018 | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
WHERE Steps of City Hall
City Hall Park, New York, NY 10007
WHO State Senator Brian A. Benjamin
Assemblymember Al Taylor
Vidal Guzman, JustLeadershipUSA
Iesha Sekou, Street Corner Resources
Five Mualimm-ak, NYC Jails Coalition
Tariq Shahid, Masjib Malcolm Shabazz
The Community Justice Unit at the Legal Aid Society
Criminal Justice Advocates
Faith Leaders