Statement from State Senator Brian A. Benjamin on SCOTUS Janus v. AFSCME Decision

Brian Benjamin

June 27, 2018

When my mother came to this country in search of a better life for her future family, it was a union that helped her build it. Unions and their members have always been there when America needed them–they have been on the front line of the fight for workers rights, for civil rights, for equal rights for women and LGBT people, and so much more.

The JANUS v. AFSCME decision aims to take power away from that movement, and away from everyday, hard working Americans fighting for a share of the economy they drive. But I want to let working families and union members know: you have always had my back, now I will have yours.

My colleagues and I have already passed legislation to help protect working New Yorkers from this disastrous decision, and we will continue to do everything in our power to defend the ability of unions to build a fairer and freer New York. As the ranking member on the Senate Committee for Civil Service and Pensions, I know first hand the negative impact this decision could have in my district and throughout the nation, and I urge union members to continue their memberships in the institutions that are fighting on their behalf.