Jack Knowlton Recognized for 55 Years of Service to Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department

LAKEWOOD –Senator Catharine Young (R, C, I – 57th District) recognized a Lakewood man for volunteering more than 50 years of service to his community during the Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department’s annual banquet.

Jack Knowlton has served his community as a member of the department for 55 years, helping to protect his neighbors. Mr. Knowlton was unable to attend the banquet. His wife, Judy, accepted the proclamation on his behalf.

“I was honored to be able to present a proclamation recognizing Jack for his selfless dedication and courage,” Senator Young said.  “We owe a tremendous debt of thanks to the men and women who volunteer to protect us as firefighters.”

Senator Young said it takes a strong desire to help others and a tireless sense of community to forsake time with family and friends to serve as a volunteer firefighter.

“For over a half century, Jack has given back to his community as a member of the Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department,” Senator Young said. “The magnitude of Jack’s commitment to the safety of his community is amazing and awe inspiring. He deserves our thanks and gratitude.”

Senator Young also thanked Mr. Knowlton’s family for the sacrifices they made and the support they gave him so he could serve the community. 

“It takes character to sacrifice so much for the benefit of others. It is heroes like Jack Knowlton who make our community such a wonderful place to live,” Senator Young said. “I can’t thank him enough for everything he’s done.”

Senator Young also presented certificates to 25 other members of the Lakewood Volunteer Fire Department, recognizing their service and accomplishments.

Senator Young presented Years of Service certificates to:
· Jim Decker, 45 years of service
· Tom Pilling, 30 years of service
· Dave Norberg, 30 years of service
· Laura Gilbert, 30 years of service
· Tom Allen, 25 years of service

Senator Young presented 2017 Top Ten Alarm Certificates to:
· Jack McCray, 629 alarms 
· Kurt Hallberg, 605 alarms 
· Donna Bryant, 457 alarms
· Alex Hallberg, 424 alarms
· Steve Smouse, 345 alarms
· Todd Gilbert, 330 alarms
· Dan Imfeld, 320 alarms
· Tom Danielson, 308 alarms
· Vinnie Certo, 277 alarms
· Jack Knowlton, 269 alarms

Alarm Milestone Certificates were presented to:
· Steve Smouse, 14,000 (14,184 total alarms)  
· Kurt Hallberg, 10,000 (10,535 total alarms)   
· Craig Hughes,  3,000 (3,136 total alarms)        
· Jack McCray,   2,000 (2,189 total alarms)       
· Alex Hallberg,  1,000 (1,198 total alarms)     
Senator Young presented Top Five Medics in Charge certificates to: 
· Donna Bryant
· Alex Hallberg
· Carlie Bernhardt