Jacobs Renews Push for Term Limits
Senator Jacobs
January 19, 2018

(Buffalo, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (60th SD) today renewed his call for imposing term limits on New York State elected offices, and welcomed the support for the effort from Governor Andrew Cuomo.
“I am very pleased that the Governor has put forward a proposal for term limits,” said Jacobs. “I hope that he will use the power and weight of his office to finally make term limits a reality so we can begin to transform the culture of corruption that has plagued Albany for decades now,” the Senator added.
The first piece of legislation Jacobs introduced upon taking office last year was a bill (S676) establishing term limits for the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General and Comptroller, as well as the Senate and Assembly. Cuomo unveiled his 2019 fiscal year budget proposal on Tuesday. It too included a proposal for term limits for the state’s elected offices, although it varies slightly from Jacobs’ bill.
“I am very open to discussions and negotiations with the Governor’s office on our two proposals,” Jacobs stated. “If compromise is necessary to gain broad support and finally bring term limits to Albany, I am willing to start those conversations now.”
The Senator reiterated that a common element of the more than 20 Albany politicians convicted of crimes over the last two decades was the majority were long time office holders. Jacobs said he believes that replacing career politicians with citizen legislators would reverse that trend.
Implementing term limits would require amending the state constitution, which requires approval of legislation by two separately elected legislatures then approval by voters in a statewide referendum.
“The sooner we restore citizen legislators the sooner we return ethical government back to the people of New York,” said Jacobs. “I am encouraged by the fact that the Governor has openly proposed term limits for state elected offices and hope that we can start this process by getting a term limit bill passed this year,” he concluded.