Sen. Carlucci calls on the Governor to mark Feb. 14th 'Donor Day' in NY

Sen. David Carlucci

February 14, 2018

Albany, NY – Sen. David Carlucci spoke on the Senate floor Wednesday in support of a resolution marking February 14th “Donor Day” in New York.  More than 10,000 people are currently waiting for a lifesaving transplant in our state, and New York ranks near the bottom nationally for registered organ donors. Sen. Carlucci hopes by making February 14th “Donor Day” it will bring more awareness to the issue.

“To have Donor Day on Valentine’s Day is so fitting. Lauren Shields she received a heart, my good friend Roxanne Watson received a heart,” said Sen. Carlucci.

Sen. Carlucci has been at the forefront of legislation aimed at increasing the number of registered organ donors in New York. Last year his legislation, Lauren’s Law was made permanent by the Governor. The law named after Lauren Shields, a Stony Point teen who received a heart transplant at 8-years-old. The law requires people getting their license at the DMV either answer yes or skip the question when asked on their application if they would like to register to become an organ donor.

“We know when people are met with that decision a majority of them will sign up to be an organ donor,” said Sen. Carlucci.

Sen. Carlucci called on fellow lawmakers to keep passing legislation to help New York go from the bottom of the list to the top when it comes to registered organ donors. He also reminded lawmakers that “Donor Day” should be an opportunity for transplant receipts to share their remarkable stories.

February 14th is known as National Donor Day across the country.