Sen. Carlucci, County Executive Day, State Police, Sheriff Falco & Advocates Urge Drivers to Think Before They Drink if Heading out on the Roads Memorial Day Weekend
May 25, 2018
- Drunk Driving Prevention

New City, NY – 5/24/18 – Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester), Rockland County Executive Ed Day, law enforcement and advocates against drinking and driving gathered at the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday to urge drivers to think before they drink if heading onto the roads this Memorial Day Weekend.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving Rockland County Leader, Anastasia Karassik shared her personal story about how her daughter, Larisa was killed by a drunk driver in Warren, New York on May 23, 2015. Karassik said the driver had driven under the influence before and had ingested narcotics before slamming into her family’s SUV. Anastasia’s husband, who was behind the wheel was severely injured in the crash, while her daughter and the other driver were killed. Larisa’s best friend was also in the vehicle and suffered minor injuries.
“Larisa went out for ice-cream on Memorial Day Weekend in Warren, New York to never return. She was buried one day before her 8th grade dance, and we buried her in the shoes she would have worn to that dance,” said Karassik.
Karassik emphasized the crash was 100 percent avoidable and did not have to happen.
“We are here to make sure we spread the message that you must have a plan if you are going to drink. Law enforcement will be out in full force to enforce the law and take a strict, zero tolerance policy against getting behind the wheel when you are intoxicated,” said Sen. Carlucci. On the state level, in memory of Larisa we are working on legislation to restrict repeat offenders from getting behind the wheel by losing their license permanently.”
“Memorial Day weekend is a time when we pause to honor our nation’s heroes who laid down their lives to save ours. It’s also considered by some to be the unofficial start of summer with barbeques and parties held all weekend long,” said Rockland County Executive Day. “I urge anyone whose weekend plans include alcohol to designate a driver, take a cab or use a ride hailing app like Uber or Lyft. Drunk driving deaths are 100 percent preventable there is no excuse for this behavior.”
Memorial Day marks the start of the 100 deadliest days of summer for teen drivers. According to AAA, the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day sees a spike in deadly teen car crashes, jumping an alarming 15 percent on average as compared to the rest of the year.
Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco said his department will be cracking down on drinking and drugged driving over the holiday weekend with extra patrols, and the department will have their STOP DWI van out.
“The STOP DWI van is a one stop shop for everything. There is a datamaster in it. Everything can be processed right on the scene. We have specific officers assigned to run the vehicle in its entirety, said Rockland County Sheriff Falco. We understand it is the beginning of the summer weekend, but please be responsible and make sure there is a designated driver.”
Sheriff Falco reminded party-goers that Dana Distributors would be offering their Free Cab Alert program in four counties, including Rockland and Orange. If you are too intoxicated and within a 10-mile radius of your home, you can utilize an Alert Cab by asking a bartender to call. Dozens of cab companies participate in the program.
State Police also said they would be out in full force in Rockland County and on the Thruway, enforcing the DWI statues and seat belt laws.
“Hundreds of people are killed and thousands are injured as a result of alcohol related crashes each year. Curbing drunk driving is a major law enforcement priority, one we work to fight each day, along with enforcement periods, sobriety checkpoints, and saturation patrols across the state each and every month,” said New York State Police Cpt. Richard Mazzone. Our hope is to one day, never again, have to call a family or knock at another door and tell a mother, a father, or a family member that their loved one is not coming home.”
"We want to encourage those who will be celebrating this Memorial Weekend to have a plan and make smart decisions to not drink and drive," said Leslie Berger, Coordinator for Rockland County STOP-DWI & Traffic Safety.