Statement on 2018-19 State Budget

Jeff Bishop, Communications Director

March 30, 2018

ALBANY, 03/31/18 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I/Ref – Oneonta) today commented on the final 2018-19 state budget:

“Affordability and opportunity – those are the ideals I have stressed all year, and both are at the heart of the newly approved state budget. 

“For the eighth consecutive year, the state budget holds the line on spending, adhering to a self-imposed two-percent spending cap.  The plan closes a $4 billion deficit AND rejects a rash of new fees and tax increases proposed by the governor that New Yorkers simply could not afford.

“While a fiscally sound plan was my top goal, I also fought to make sure our region of the state received our fair share of state resources.   Our schools can look forward to a substantial increase of $1 billion, support for local roads and bridges is going up, and meaningful property tax cuts for homeowners are extended.   

“The budget also includes support for key programs that people talk to me about every day.  Help for our farmers, veterans, and senior citizens is included in the plan.  I also worked to secure increased state dollars for vital healthcare programs targeting Lyme, women’s health initiatives, and the battle against heroin and opioid addiction.

“There is sweeping legislation to address sexual harassment in the workplace.  This deplorable crime must be stopped and this measure includes new protections and penalties that send a strong message. 

“The plan isn’t perfect, and there are additional issues to be addressed during the remainder of the legislative session.  But overall, the state budget addresses the needs and values of our diverse state, serves as a strong foundation for new opportunities, and helps make New York a more affordable place to live and work.”
