Statement on Governor's Budget Proposal

Jeff Bishop, Communications Director

January 16, 2018

ALBANY, 01/16/18 -- State Senator James L. Seward (R/C/I/Ref – Oneonta) today commented on Governor Cuomo’s proposed state budget for 2018-19:

“As we confront the serious fiscal challenges before us this year, we need to focus on two key fundamentals – new job opportunities and affordability for families and businesses.  Those priorities are first on my mind as I closely review the details of the governor’s budget proposal. 

“To contend with the state’s budget deficit we must cap state spending, cut taxes, and generate economic growth.  We can grow our way out of this hole, but it will take fiscal discipline and policies that will help boost our state’s business climate.

“A good budget is one that controls spending, cuts taxes, creates jobs, and promotes key principles like affordability, opportunity, and security.

“A state spending cap and a permanent tax cap are first steps.   From there we need to end burdensome regulations on job creators, fund infrastructure improvements, and stop spending on failing economic programs.

“When I hear the governor talk about raising taxes, new surcharges, and deferring credits that businesses expect, I cringe.  Those steps will not help grow our economy and will only have further negative effects that will make New York State even less competitive.   We need to make a commitment not to raise taxes, and in fact, I will be proposing tax cuts – for families, senior citizens, and businesses. 

“Now the real work begins.  We will delve into the governor’s proposal and conduct a line by line review along with public budget hearings, as we work toward an agreed upon, fiscally sound budget prior to April 1.”
