Tedisco to Governor: Pardon Luna the Dog for Christmas!

Senator Jim Tedisco

December 13, 2018

Senator Jim Tedisco (R,C,I,REF-Glenville) today is calling on Governor Andrew Cuomo to use his constitutional power to issue a pardon in order to help save the life of Luna, a 6-year-old Troy dog that has galvanized the Capital Region, and enable her to go home for the holidays!

Luna was ordered to be euthanized by Troy City Court as a result of an October 25thaltercation with another dog and that pet’s owner. The owner of the other dog opposes Luna being euthanized. While the altercation involved was considered minor, the City of Troy at the time had a very strict ordinance on “dangerous dogs” that mandates a dog be put down after just one bite, regardless of the severity. 

Following widespread public outcry over this local law, last week the Troy City Council unanimously voted to change the city’s dog ordinance to ensure that a dog does not have to be euthanized after one bite. However, this new local law is not retroactive, which means Luna’s life is still in jeopardy.

The Mohawk Hudson Humane Society (MHHS), which has been caring for Luna, has not observed any signs of aggression towards people or animals and has given them no reason to believe that she is a dangerous dog. MHHS has reached out to Senator Tedisco and asked for his help in writing to the Governor to pardon the dog’s owner, Cade Saba, on the dangerous dog violation, thereby sparing the pooch. (See attached letters).

This executive action by the Governor would not only save Luna’s life, but it also would help save MHHS from incurring additional costs for caring for the dog and save tax dollars by putting an end to the ongoing legal proceedings aimed at blocking the Troy City Court’s euthanasia order.

“I’ve seen Luna first-hand, and she is a sweet and loving dog that the experts at Mohawk Hudson Humane Society agree does not pose a danger to anyone.  It would be an injustice if the court order to put Luna down was carried out, particularly now that the city has changed its local law to prevent a situation like this from happening ever again. The Governor has been a strong animal advocate and I hope he can help provide a Christmas miracle and grant a pardon to Luna’s owner so this beautiful dog can be home for the holidays, where her adoring family and so many people in the Capital Region want her to be,” said Senator Jim Tedisco, the driving force behind passage of Buster’s Law, which created the felony crime of animal cruelty in New York State. 

“Senator Tedisco shares the Humane Society’s commitment to doing the right thing to protect animals.  We are most grateful that he has joined us in this effort to speak up for animals like Luna that cannot speak for themselves,” said Todd Cramer, President and CEO of MHHS.

Attached please find a photo of Tedisco with Luna along with a photo of (L-R) Margaret Donnelly, the attorney for Luna's owner,  Cynthia LaFave, MHHS Board President, Jonathan Schopf, attorney for MHHS, Senator Tedisco, and Todd Cramer, President and CEO of MHHS
