Sen. Griffo, Republican colleagues introduce legislation focused on halting sexual harassment in the workplace

Joseph A. Griffo

March 8, 2018

ALBANY – State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-Rome, along with his Republican colleagues in the state Senate, recently introduced comprehensive legislation that aims to address sexual harassment in the workplace.
There have been multiple reports of sexual harassment in the workplace in the last year and in recent months. These reports stem from both the private and public sector and occur in varied workplace settings. According to a 2016 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission study of workplace harassment in the United States, approximately 25 percent to 85 percent of women report having experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. 
This bill (S7848) would help combat sexual harassment, establish uniform standards for sexual harassment policies and complaint handling, and provide employers with model policies and training. The bill would enact a multi-facilitated approach to help prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, ensure accountability, and combat the culture of silence that victims face. This bill will help ensure that all employees are provided with a safer work environment.
“It seems like every day you read in the newspaper or hear on the news about someone who is facing claims of sexual misconduct,” said Sen. Griffo, who cosponsored the legislation. “The alleged behavior of these individuals – from politicians to media personalities to celebrities – facing these charges is unfortunate and unacceptable and shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere. Our ultimate objective should be to ensure that everyone has a safe and comfortable working environment that is free from inappropriate and objectionable behavior. Anything less is unacceptable. I am hopeful that the Governor and the Assembly will approve this bill so that employees throughout the state will have a workplace that is free from improper behavior.”