Sen. Griffo statement on former New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

Joseph A. Griffo

May 10, 2018

UTICA - State Sen. Joseph Griffo, R-I-C-Rome, released the following statement today regarding the allegations against former New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman: 

“Following the troubling, reprehensible and disappointing events and allegations surrounding former New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, I believe that the acting Attorney General should appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate this matter who is not already holding prosecutorial office. 

While it is up to the Legislature to appoint someone to the position of Attorney General, I believe that the acting Attorney General has the credentials and skill set to effectively serve in the role until elections take place this fall. However, should the Legislature appoint someone, that individual should not be a candidate who will stand for election in the fall because this would only politicize the process. 

Further, we should change the state Constitution so that the Legislature does not decide who is appointed to this important office at all. That decision should fall to the people on Election Day. It also is time for the Legislature to act on legislation that I have introduced and pushed for that calls for special elections to fill the vacancies in the offices of Comptroller and Attorney General. This legislation would reform government and rightfully allow people to have a choice and a say in who represents them.”
