Sen. Griffo statement on Governor’s State of the State Address
January 3, 2018
“As part of today’s State of the State Address, Governor Cuomo offered a variety of proposals and initiatives that will, no doubt, be the center of much consideration and debate in the coming weeks. I look forward to discussing ideas, methods and matters.
While the Governor’s proposals aim to address many important issues across the state, we have an obligation to ensure that the state has the funds to dedicate to the projects proposed by the Governor. With the state facing a multi-billion deficit, it is imperative that we remain mindful of how the state is spending taxpayer money.
We now await the State Budget and conducting a thorough and extensive review of its contents. During the upcoming budget process, we will closely examine all of the Governor’s proposals, offer our own counterproposals and will discuss how they could affect the state financially. When it comes to the budget process and implementing state policy, we, as a Legislature, must make sure that we have an active and strong voice so that we can effectively represent the people of New York State and ensure that their voices are being heard.”